A solution that addresses the need to systematize the largely disorganized mental health sector in India, SAHAYTA is a single destination for all of a patient’s mental health requirements. Brining under one roof the best mental health professional from all disciplines the city has to offer.
The first healthcare system to bring simulation-technology driven treatment to eastern India, Sahayta Psychiatric
Clinic pioneers the use of Virtual Reality to heal various psychiatric disorders.
An alternative form of exposure therapy, Virtual Reality Therapy makes use of specially programmed
computers, visual immersion devices and artificially created environments to give patients a simulated
experience. Ground-breaking in terms of treatment, it enables patients to safely interact with a virtual
representation of their phobia to overcome or control it while not having to face a real version of the phobia
Depression is not just feeling low or sad. It is a mood disorder caused by altered functions of brain chemicals or neurotransmitters.
We are all anxious at some point of time or another, as it is a normal human emotion. Anxiety is a feeling of worry
OCD is a disabling psychiatric condition with a waxing and waning course.
As oft shown in movies, both Indian and international, Schizophrenia is the stuff of nightmares.
As the name suggests, the illness has two poles: Depression and Mania. Bipolar Disorders are conditions, which cause abnormal changes in the mood
According to DSM 5 the essential feature of Social Anxiety Disorder is a marked or intense fear or anxiety of social situations
Every year approximately 1.7% of adolescent and adults are diagnosed with Agoraphobia. Females suffer from this condition twice